Thursday, March 21, 2019

TED talk on connectivity vs. addiction

Hi [redacted],

I was thinking about our conversation about addictive behaviors and phone usage. Here's a short talk that might change the way you think about certain things and/or which might help you communicate your concerns about social media to your kids. I will summarize it to save you some time but it is worth watching:

One of the most interesting things about it is the story he tells about where our ideas on addiction came from: rats in a cage that would basically take heroin until they died. But that's only because the cages were boring. When you put rats in a cage with lots of other rats and a rat amusement park and lots of other fun rat things to do, they basically ignore the heroin.

The insight: at its core, addiction is how people escape from their cage (life) when they don't have anything to feel connected to. They connect to their addiction.

One application: social media can be helpful to the extent that it facilitates real connections to your friends, family, etc. and harmful to the extent that it functions as a cheap substitute for connection which prevents you from developing real connections. Spending lots of time on Instagram trying to generate likes = fake connection. Using Instagram or Facebook to arrange a weekend rendezvous with friends and share a few photos of the event afterwards = real connection.


Hope you like it,


I could not love thee dear, so much,
Loved I not honor more.


March 21, 2019

My thought process today after work:

I want to play Dominions 5, but I'm trying to cut down on screen time for my own sake and the kids' sake, so... I could go to the temple!

But wait, I think I'm almost out of clean church shirts. It's still early in the evening, so maybe I have time to do a load in the washer and dryer and be at the temple by 7:30. But I know realistically that if I try that, it will take twice as long as I expect, so maybe I should just go tomorrow (oh, I'm busy) or some other day--

Then my left brain said, "...wait. This is stupid, Max. Heavenly Father cares more that you do the right thing and help some people receive their saving ordinances today when you've got the chance than he does about whether your church shirt has some dried sweat on the neck. Go to the temple first, and do your laundry some other day."

Good point Dante! So let it be written. (So let it be done.)



I could not love thee dear, so much,
Loved I not honor more.