Friday, October 1, 2021

RE: "Maricopa County audit flags 57k+ ballot issues in a state Biden won by fewer than 11k votes"


Maricopa County audit flags 57k+ ballot issues in a state Biden won by fewer than 11k votes

It's unclear why most media reports have been declaring, contrary to evidence, that the audit somehow confirmed that Biden won the Arizona race fair and square. (You can read the audit at the link below and draw your own conclusions.) Though a hand recount of ballots was fairly close to the original count, that did not address the anomalies found, nor did it rule out invalid votes and fraud.

In addition to the problems flagged, auditors said it was impossible to conduct a complete audit because county officials failed to cooperate on some important matters. And some evidence was reportedly removed or destroyed prior to a subpoena.

Among significant problems uncovered were tens of thousands of people who voted from a prior address, which would technically invalidate the votes if one were to enforce election law. Likewise with 10,342 voters who potentially voted in more than one county.

In one particularly difficult-to-square anomaly, more than 9,000 more ballots were returned by voter than were sent out. In more than 3,000 instances, the official results do "not match who voted."

Remember all those stories around election time of people in Maricopa county who showed up to vote and were told they had already voted absentee (i.e. someone stole their vote)? I'm not sure but I think this might be an official statistic on roughly how many times that happened.

Obviously in a democracy we can't permit this to happen again, going forward. It undermines trust in the election result, which is bad for both the winner of the election and for the country. IWe need better security for mail-in votes, or we need to eliminate mail-in voting.

This is not a partisan issue. Democrats and Republicans should both be backing election security.



I could not love thee dear, so much,
Loved I not honor more.

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